Путь Господень

“The Song of Solomon”

Chapter 1

Work by S.Y. Kharchenko


“The song of songs, which is Solomons” (Song.1:1)


Scripture names the author of The Song of Solomon in the first verse of the book. But the editor of the synodal translation decided that he understood the matter better and deleted the first verse, correcting the “mistake.” Apparently he did not realize what kind of punishment he would be for this.

“And if any man shall take away from the wordes of the booke of this prophesie, God shal take away his part out of the booke of life, and out of the holy citie, and from the things which are written in this booke” (Rev.22:19)

The Author of Scripture calls by the name ”Solomon” the One who will be named in eternity: “Wonderfull, Counseller, The mightie God, The euerlasting Father, The Prince of peace” (Is.9:6)

In the first chapter, the action occurs over a period of two thousand years and comprises the time of the harvest. We are shown: God the Father, the holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, the Church of the first born and chosen.


“Let him kisse mee with the kisses of his mouth: for thy Loue is better then wine” (Song.1:2)


Heavenly Father lets us know “the loue of Christ, which passeth knowledge” (Eph.3:19). The word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD touches the heart of man. And he, realizing the exploit of Christ, is confirmed in His love.

We are shown the desire of the beloved to feel the love of Christ without ceasing, all the time. She renounces everything that she previously considered an advantage, for the sake of gaining Christ. She sacrifices her passions, habits and sinful attachments for His sake. Scripture says on her behalf: “for thy Loue is better then wine.”


“Because of the sauour of thy good ointments, thy name is as ointment powred forth, therefore doe the virgins loue thee” (Song.1:3)


Jesus was born physically of the Spirit. His name is preached in the world by the holy Ghost. The holy Ghost preserves the number of years from His birth, He inspired men to write the holy Scriptures, and now He is the keeper and interpreter of the Words of God. Scripture compares the work of the Holy Spirit to the scent of pleasant ointments. The holy Ghost is in the world, “as ointment powred forth” because the whole world is renewed according to the word of God by the power of the Spirit (Psalm.104:30).


“Draw me, we will runne after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and reioyce in thee, we wil remember thy loue more then wine: the vpright loue thee” (Song.1:4)


“Draw me, we will runne after thee” - the phrase describes the passionate desire of people who remained before the rapture of the Church of the first born, to enter the heavenly Tabernacle. In the heavenly tabernacle, a festive meal will take place - the feast of unleavened bread, “we will be glad and reioyce in thee”.

Scripture describes the people who will enter the heavenly Tabernacle in one precise word: “the vpright” These people are open, truthful, frank, sincere and honest, at least they strive for this. These are people who are pure in heart. The Lord God highly values man's ASPIRATION for righteousness and truth. Scripture gives instruction: “¶ Keepe thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov.4:23). Because only a person who loves righteousness and thirsts for righteousness will receive eternal life.


“I am blacke, but comely, (O ye daughters of Ierusalem) as the tents of Kedar, as the curtaines of Solomon” (Song.1:5)


The heavenly Tabernacle will serve as a refuge for Christ and His firstborn, because they will be surrounded by the enemy. The prototype of Christ and His firstborns is David, who fled to the Adullam cave with his brothers. The word “Adullam” means a closed place, a secluded place.

“Dauid therefore departed thence, and escaped to the caue Adullam: and when his brethren, and all his fathers house heard it, they went downe thither to him” (1Sam.22:1)

It will be dark in the heavenly Tabernacle before the service begins, so many lights will be required to illuminate it (Acts.20:8). But, during the ministry, it will be very beautiful there. It is said, “I am blacke, but comely”. The heavenly Tabernacle in its shape will be like a tent. The barrier within, “the curtaine of Solomon”, will divide the heavenly Tabernacle in two. The second part is called þe Holiest of all. There will be an unapproachable light, “which no man can approch vnto” (1Tim.6:16) there.


“Looke not vpon me because I am blacke, because the Sunne hath looked vpon me: my mothers children were angry with me, they made me the keeper of the vineyards, but mine owne vineyard haue I not kept” (Song.1:6)


On behalf of the Church of the first born, the Scriptures call the Christians remaining on earth: “my mothers children”.

The phrase: “were angry with me”, shows their state of mind, because the rapture has already passed for them. The Church of the first born will be tasked with bringing the remaining Christians on earth (believers in the Word of God) to the heavenly Tabernacle. This is evidenced by the phrase: “they made me the keeper of the vineyards” But without self-sacrifice, this service cannot be fulfilled. This is evidenced by the following phrase: “but mine owne vineyard haue I not kept”.

No one from the Church of the first born will leave the heavenly Tabernacle until their “yongest brother” comes there (Gen.42:15).

Scripture often compares the Son of God to the Sun. The phrase: “the Sunne hath looked vpon me” means that Christ will preach to the congregation in the heavenly Tabernacle. Scripture speaks of a long preaching (Acts.20:8,9), it will last until 2050.


“Tell me, (O thou whom my soule loueth) where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flocke to rest at noone: for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flockes of thy companions?” (Song.1:7)


We are shown how the Christians who remained on earth, after the rapture of the Church of the first born, ask Christ a question in bewilderment: “Tell us where are You with Your flock?” There will be pain, excitement and fear in their voice. Not understanding the reason why they stayed on earth, they will cry and weep. Scripture gives the reason: they left their first love (Rev.2:4).

The Ephesian Church (Rev.2:1) will be born with the beginning of the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark.1:1). Its time is limited by the time of existence of the “kingdom”, which is presented as the “head of gold” (Dan.2). In the book of Revelation, we are shown seven churches: four Churches are before Pentecost and three Churches are after it. Thus, the time of the harvest (49 years) is divided by Scripture into four periods of time.

A person who trusts the Word of God, as a rule, avoids “the flockes” of companions, by which all Christian denominations should be understood. It is said, “one that turneth aside,” because Jesus is absent there. At present, the perversion of the Word of God in Christendom has reached such a degree that it can be compared with fornication, “as is not so much as named amongst the Gentiles” (1Cor.5:1). Therefore, the Scripture, saying to each of them, says: “Get out from them, leaving false teaching, and follow the beaten path, which was followed by the Church of the first born, and then you will find Christ.” It is said: “goe thy way forth by the footsteps of the flocke” (Song.1:8). The Church of the first born will remain faithful to Him.


“¶ If thou know not (O thou fairest among women) goe thy way forth by the footsteps of the flocke, and feede thy kiddes beside the shepheards tents” (Song.1:8)


Scripture calls Christians, remaining on earth, seeking Christ: “O thou fairest among women”.

A person who trusts the Word of God should be in the field, “beside the shepheards tents”, and not in the tents themselves, and guard his flock (Luke.2:8). Tents here mean all religious buildings: houses of worship, cathedrals, monasteries, mosques, synagogues.


“I haue compared thee, O my loue, to a company of horses in Pharaohs chariots” (Song.1:9)


Scripture calls the firstborn -- faithfull, and their place in the heavenly chariot is shown to us already in the first chapter of the book. Scripture uses numerous types to show the greatness of the reigning Lord Jesus Christ. This is a chariot of fire (2Kings.2:11), this is an Angel sitting on a stone (Matt.28:3), this is an Angel descending from heaven (Rev.10:1), this is a certain man clothed in linen (Dan.10:5), this is a rainbow in a cloud (Gen.9:13), this is an image of the splendor of the Lord (Ezek.1).

This book presents the main types: the chariot and the bed (bier). Naming the main elements of the chariot, Scripture shows us called, & chosen, and faithfull, as well the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Scripture compares the Church of the first born “to a company of horses in Pharaohs chariots” by the words of beloved . In Ezekiel’s vision, the Church of the first born is represented by four living creatures (Ezek.1:5-14).


“Thy cheekes are comely with rowes of iewels, thy necke with chaines of golde.

Wee will make thee borders of golde, with studdes of siluer” (Song.1:10,11)


And now, the Scripture shows us the whole Temple not made with hands (John.2:19). The New Jerusalem is used as a type. His description in the 21st chapter of the book of Revelation took up an entire chapter, but here it is given one verse. The New Jerusalem itself (twelve foundations, a high wall and twelve gates) is a type of the Church of God, but together with the city streets and double illumination (Rev.21:23) it is already a Temple not made with hands. This Temple has the wall -- these are chosen; the gate -- these are called. The firstborn in this Majesty are designated by the twelve foundations of the city wall. It is said: “Thy cheekes are comely with rowes of iewels”:

“The first foundation was Iasper, the second Saphir, the third a Chalcedony, the fourth an Emerald,

The fift Sardonix, the sixt Sardius, the seuenth Chrysolite, the eight Beryl, the ninth a Topas, the tenth a Chrysoprasus, the eleuenth a Iacinct, the twelfth an Amethyst” (Rev.21:19,20).

The walls of the city are “Thy cheekes”.

The gates of the city, as a narrow part, are “thy necke”.

The people of Israel and the saved Jantiles of the future 1000 years of the peace are designated as a city and its streets made of pure gold (Rev.21:18). It is said: “with chaines of golde”.

“studdes of siluer” are those that will be judged at the great white throne according to their deeds and are found written in the book of life. There will be thousands of thousands of them (Rev.5:11).

Highlighting a part of the text with a paragraph mark ¶, Scripture enhances its semantic unity or marks the beginning of a new topic. Beginning with verse 12, the theme of the story changes so dramatically that if the paragraph mark ¶ is missing, the reader will misinterpret the text. The deletion of the paragraph marks in the books of the Bible is a mistake. It is impossible to rightly divide the word of truth, and therefore to understand the prophetic meaning of the verses, if the paragraph marks ¶ are removed. So, for example, the synodal translation, due to numerous translation errors and the absence of paragraph marks ¶, is entirely unsuitable for the interpretation of the book The Song of Solomon.


“¶ While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth foorth the smell thereof” (Song.1:12)


The first verse of the paragraph shows the preparation of Jesus for the day of burial, and speaks of His imminent death. This event is shown in The Gospel according S.John (John.12:19). “Then Iesus, sixe dayes before the Passouer, came to Bethanie” (John.12:1). There had been prepared a supper for Him, and the disciples sat with Him at the table.

“Then tooke Mary a pound of ointment, of Spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Iesus, & wiped his feet with her haire: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment” (John.12:3)

Jesus said, “against the day of my burying hath she kept this” (John.12:7). We will not consider the prophetic meaning of verses (John.12:19) here, what is said in plain text is enough for us. The same event is described in other Gospels, but in those verses (Matt.26:6-13), (Mark.14:3-9) the Evangelist is shown to us. Note that the first three Gospels describe Jesus Christ as a man.

The further verses of this paragraph (Song.1:12-17) show us that not only Jesus Christ is preparing for burial, but also His beloved does. We hear her confession before she dies. She says who He is to her.


“A bundle of myrrhe is my welbeloued vnto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts” (Song.1:13)


The fragrant resin of myrrh was used as a burial incense. We are shown the funeral of everyone who believes in Him. These are the ones who have died for two thousand years with faith in their Redeemer. They have calmed down from their labors.

Scripture shows us that none of the people who died in the Lord are forgotten or forsaken by Him. If they died with Him, they will certainly come to life with Him. For two thousand years now, “all night” they have been together, together they will be both in the resurrection and in the heavenly Tabernacle.


“My beloued is vnto me, as a cluster of Camphire in the vineyards of Engedi” (Song.1:14)


Jesus expresses His love for His beloved in the last verses of the chapter:


“Behold, thou art faire, my loue: behold, thou art faire, thou hast doues eyes” (Song.1:15)


Pigeons mate for life and throughout life they are faithful to each other. There is the concept of “pigeon fidelity”.


“Behold, thou art faire, my beloued; yea pleasant: also our bedde is greene” (Song.1:16)


Following the established customs, the deceased is buried surrounded by flowers.


“The beames of our house are Cedar, and our rafters of firre” (Song.1:17)


In the last verse, Scripture speaks of a ritual item that is used for burial. The ”dwelling” of the deceased is usually made of coniferous wood: pine, spruce, fir and cedar. The tombstone, symbolizing the house of a deceased person, is manufactured as a cross with a gable roof.

Note that there is no Church till beginning of ministry of Evangelist. Jesus Christ and His beloved are buried. Scripture says: “our bedde”; “The beames of our house”; “our rafters”. People who live in the Lord and remain before the rapture are also dead to this world. The only difference is that Jesus Christ was “buried” not on earth, but in the third heaven near a “rich”, about whom it is said, read prophetically: He is “an honourable counseller, which also waited for the kingdome of God” (Mark.15:43); He is “a good man, and a iust. (The same had not consented to the counsell and deede of them)” (Luke.23:50,51).

Time, as it were, stopped with the death of Jesus Christ. It is said: “the night commeth when no man can worke” (John.9:4). And from the point of view of the ceremonial Law, two thousand years are hidden. The countdown will continue only with His resurrection and the rapture of the Church of the firstborn.

In chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians, we are shown how The Gospel is proclaimed to believers living in the future 1000 years of peace. It says that Jesus was buried and He would resurrected again at the beginning of the third thousand years.

“he was buried... he rose againe the third day” (1Cor.15:4)




1611 King James Version (KJV) https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org

Translated from the Russian by Konstantin Samsonov


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