Путь Господень

 Chapter 2

The Lords Passeouer

Work by S.Y. Kharchenko


        Scripture,  telling  us  about  the  events  that  occurred  on  the  eve  and  on  the  night  the  people  of  Israel  left  Egypt,  points  to  a  significant  event  in  the  past  and  many  important  events  in  the  future. 


“And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,


This moneth shalbe vnto you the beginning of moneths: it shall be the first moneth of the yeere to you.”  (Ex.12:1,2); 


“¶ Speake ye vnto all the Congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this moneth they shall take to them euery man a lambe, according to the house of their fathers, a lambe for an house”  (Ex.12:3).


And indeed, on Nisan 10, much people took  “branches of Palme trees, and went foorth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna, blessed is the king of Israel”  (John 12:13). This day, He was popularly recognized as the King of Israel. 


“And ye shall keepe it vp vntill the fourteenth day of the same moneth: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the euening”  (Ex.12:6);


On Nisan 14,  “all the Congregation of Israel”  put Jesus to death through crucifixion. This is described in detail in the work “The Week of the Days”. Scripture, telling us about further events of this day, having stepped over 2000 years, shows us future events in the Tabernacle of  heaven.


“And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side postes, and on the vpper doore poste, of the houses wherin they shall eate it”  (Ex.12:7); 


Scripture  prophetically  says  that  the  heavenly  Tabernacle,  before  serving  in  it,  will  be  sprinkled  with  the  Blood  of  Jesus  Christ. 


“And almost all things are by the Law purged with blood: and without shedding of blood is no remission”  (Heb.9:22); 


“It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heauens should bee purified with these, but the heauenly things themselues with better sacrifices then these”  (Heb.9:23).


In the “house”, “wherin they shall eate it” (Ex.12:7), eat “the Passeouer” (Luke 22:8), feast meal will take place. The ceremonial Law calls this first day in the Tabernacle of heaven a feast of unleavened bread.


  “And they shall eat the flesh in that night roste with fire, and vnleauened bread, and with bitter herbes they shall eate it”  (Ex.12:8). 


Chapter  8  of  Leviticus  describes  the  consecration  of  Aaron  and  his  sons,  prophetically,  the  High  Priest  and  Priests.  After  bathing  with  water, “Aaron”  will  be  clothed  in  all  holy  garments.  The  loins  of  the  Priests  will  also  be  girded. 


“And Moses brought Aarons sonnes, and put coats vpon them, and girded them with girdles, and put bonnets vpon them, as the Lord commanded Moses”  (Lev.8:13); 


What prophetic meaning has washing of disciples’  feet by Jesus during the supper (John 13:5)? The washing of the feet of the disciples, as well as the washing of the sons of Aaron, are the prototypes of the future consecration of Priests to serve in the Tabernacle of heaven.   


“And Moses brought Aaron and his sonnes, and washed them with water”  (Lev.8:6). 


“After that, he powreth water into a bason, and beganne to wash the disciples feete, and to wipe them with the towell wherewith he was girded”  (John.13:5). 


The towel with which Jesus was wrapped in the upper room, prophetically, points to the belt of the outer clothes of the High Priest. Apparently,  this belt will be long and relatively wide, like a towel:


Moses  “put vpon him the coate, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and put the Ephod vpon him, and he girded him with the curious girdle of the Ephod, and bound it vnto him therewith” (Lev.8:7). 


Jesus  “riseth from supper, and layed aside his garments, and tooke a towell, and girded himselfe”  (John.13:4). 


The  LORD  said  to  Moses: 


“¶ And thus shall ye eate it: with your loines girded, your shooes on your feet, and your staffe in your hand: and ye shall eate it in haste: it is the Lords Passeouer”  (Ex.12:11). 


“and none of you shall goe out at the doore of his house, vntill the morning”  (Ex.12:22). 


What prophetic significance does this prohibition have? Not to go  out  even  till break of day means not to go out until  “the Sunne of righteousnesse”  arises (Mal.4:2). Scripture, telling about the events that occurred on the first day of the week during Paul’s journey (Acts 20), prophetically tells us about the rapture of the Church of the firstborn and about some of the events that took place in the upper room  “even till break of day”.


Jesus  Christ  “therefore was come vp againe, & had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, euen till breake of day, so he departed.”  (Acts.20:11). 


But no one will ever leave the heavenly chamber unless our “yongest brother”  comes. Scripture, as if on behalf of the Lord God, says by Joseph’s words:


“Hereby ye shall be proued: by the life of Pharaoh ye shall not goe foorth hence, except your yongest brother come hither”  (Gen.42:15). 


The Lord God swears by Himself that no one will come out of the Tabernacle of heaven alive unless our “yongest brother” comes hither. The Scripture compares the rapture of the Church of the firstborn to spying by spies of the new earth for its conquest and settlement.


“But when Iacob heard that there was corne in Egypt, he sent out our fathers first.


And at the second time Ioseph was made knowen to his brethren, and Iosephs kinred was made knowen vnto Pharao”  (Acts.7:12,13).


And  indeed,  “at  the  second  time”  (Acts  7:13)  and  this  is  the  second  rapture,  the  Church  of  the  firstborn  will  bring  their  youngest brother  (chosen),  those  who  are  called  will  come  with  them,  and  then  they  will  call  Jacob  “and all his kinred”  (Acts.7:14).    

Scripture calls the Church of the firstborn:  “the captivity”,  “the firstborn”,  “the Elders”  (Ezra.10:14),  “chiefe of the fathers”  (Ezra.10:16),  “the Elders”  (Ex.12:21), all  “of them by their names”  (Ezra.10:16). And all Christians remaining on earth will be like the  “yongest brother”  of Joseph. A battle will go on for them. 


Scripture, narrating about the people of Israel leaving Egypt and passing through the sea to serve the Lord, shows us the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. One time will be set for each captive, that is a midnight, local time.


“It is a night to be much obserued vnto the Lord, for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: This is that night of the Lord to be obserued of all the children of Israel, in their generations”  (Ex.12:42). 


“And the children of Israel went into the midst of the Sea vpon the dry ground, and the waters were a wall vnto them on their right hand, and on their left”  (Ex.14:22). 


Imagine a huge wall of water on the right and the same wall of water on the left. And there is a narrow path along the corridor of the water. Another comparison is, the path by the brook (Neh. 2:15). Now imagine that you need to go through another sea -  “the waters of the great deep” 


“The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deepe is frozen”  (Job.38:30). 


For humans, this is an endless block of ice, with a temperature close to absolute zero. When captives go through the depths of the sea, the waters will be  “a wall vnto them on their right hand, and on their left”  (Ex.14:22). In a frozen deep, Scripture says, there is  “the gate of the valley”  (Neh. 2:13). I think that strait is the gate, and narrow is the way there. Scripture prophetically calls  “the waters of the great deepe”  (Is. 51:10) the king’s pool (Neh. 2:14).


But the return journey through  “heaven”  (Rev.19:11) will already be a broad way:


“Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deepe, that hath made the depthes of the sea a way for the ransomed to passe ouer?” (Is.51:10); 


“For wee haue heard how the Lord dried vp the water of the red Sea for you; when you came out of Egypt, and what you did vnto the two kings of the Amorites that were on the other side Iordan, Sihon and Og; whom ye vtterly destroyed.”  (Josh.2:10).


The  two  kings  of  the  Amorites  are  the  beast  and  the  false  prophet,  who  will  be  “cast  alive  into  a  lake  of  fire  burning  with  brimstone”  (Rev. 19:20). 


For  the  people  of  Israel,  passing  through  the  sea,  after  they  leave  the  land  of  Egypt,  has  its  prophetic  significance.  In  the  future, on  the  eve  of  the  second  coming  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  the  people  of  Israel  will  come  out  of  the  slavery  of  the  official  religion  in  order  to  seek  the  Lord  their  God  (Jer. 50).   


“By faith they passed through the red sea, as by drie land: which the Egyptians assaying to do, were drowned”  (Heb.11:29).


Crossing the sea for them will mean “entering into his rest”, in the Millennium, to perform service to the Lord. Scripture, prophetically, as if on behalf of a future whore, tells them: 


“Rise vp, and get you forth from amongst my people, both you and the children of Israel: and goe, serue the Lord, as ye haue said”  (Ex.12:31).


Exodus of the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery is a prototype of their future going out of slavery of the “Babylonian whore”, the Orthodox Church (Rev. 17). 


“and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute iudgement: I am the Lord”  (Ex.12:12). 


So, Scripture called the day and the month when “the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel” would put Jesus to death more than a thousand years till this event. The year of this event was identified in the book of Daniel in more than 400 years till this event. The counting of years began “from the going foorth of the commandement to restore and to build Ierusalem” (Dan.9:25). 483 years had to pass from this command to the death of Jesus Christ. But these seven weeks of Daniel have also a hidden prophecy, it is not in vain that these 483 years are divided into two parts. Scripture prophetically determines the rapture of the Church of the firstborn, as the beginning of the restoration of Jerusalem.


“from the going foorth of the commandement to restore and to build Ierusalem, vnto the Messiah the Prince, shall be seuen weekes; and threescore and two weekes”  (Dan.9:25).


And indeed, now the house of the Lord is being “built up” - the heavenly Tabernacle. It will be completed on the day of the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. Then will be given “the commandement”  to restore and to build the heavenly Jerusalem. Its construction will be completed on the day of the enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ. 49 years will pass from the beginning of the ministry in the Tabernacle of heaven “vnto the Messiah the Prince”





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