As you already understood, between the events to which the
Passover of God and the feast of unleavened bread indicate, there is a
significant time interval. Between the “Passover of the Lord” and “the
feast of Unleauened bread” (Deut.16:16), are a little more than 2,000
prophetic years, counting from the 34-th years to the rapture of the
Church of the firstborn. This period of 2000 years is actually hidden from
the reader in Scripture, because with the death of Jesus night fell.
Scripture figuratively calls our time a night, and the seven thousandth
years is called a day. Jesus said:
“I must worke the workes of him that sent me, while it is day: the night
commeth when no man can worke”
You can notice a hidden period of time only if you live at that time.
Having guided by ceremonial Law, and being living, for example, until the
death of Jesus Christ, man had no idea about the existence of our time. It
is as if is not exist. Judge for yourself, after the Passover, immediately
on the second day, the feast of unleavened bread is, that is, no time
interval between them can be traced.
“In the fourteenth day of the first moneth at euen, is the Lords
And on the fifteenth day of the same moneth, is the feast of
vnleauened bread vnto the Lord: seuen dayes ye must eate vnleauened
In the first day ye shall haue an holy conuocation: ye shall do no
seruile worke therein.
But ye shal offer an offring made by fire vnto the Lord seuen dayes:
in the seuenth day is an holy conuocation, Ye shall doe no seruile worke
therein” (lev.23:5-8).
By the way, when calculating seventy weeks in the book of Daniel, there is
a time gap. Seventy weeks are defined for Israel. The man Gabriel,
admonishing Daniel, told him: “Seuentie weekes are determined vpon thy
people” (Dan.9:24). The counting of time was interrupted with the
death of Jesus, the 69th week ended with this event. The account of the
time will resume seven years before “the feast of Weekes”
(Deut.16:16). The time from the Passover to the beginning of the 70th week
of Daniel (Dan. 9:24-27) is hidden from Israel.
Having noticed the “inconsistency” between ceremonial Law and reality,
far-reaching conclusions can be drawn. The presence of a “gap in time”
means the absence of any epistles in the books of the New Testament to us
who trust in Christ. While the doctrine for the future Millennium is set
forth openly in the books of the New Testament. It is understandable that
what is hidden in ceremonial Law will be hidden in the books of the New
Testament as well. Scripture is like a single organism. The first verse of
the first book of epistles to the seven churches confirms this:
“Paul a seruant of Iesus Christ, called to bee an Apostle, separated
vnto the Gospel of God”
The Scripture on behalf of Israel, already separated unto the Gospel of
God (Rom.1:1), refers to the Christians which are of the Gentiles, as if
it had already entered into His rest and the Millennium already began. I
prophetically read: “Israel, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an
Apostle, separated unto the Gospel of God.” We know by Scripture that
Israel is “a chosen vessell” (Acts. 9:15), for obedience to the
faith among all nations, for his Name (Rom. 1:15). So, Scripture begins to
speak about the Millennium with the first verse of the first book of
epistles to seven churches. This means that all books of the epistles to
seven churches have its addressees only in the future Millennium. Firstly,
these are Saints and Faithful in heaven, secondly -- Israel, and thirdly
-- former Gentiles. To have similar epistles to us, in our time period, is
absurd. We died with Christ for this world, therefore there are no
addressees of these epistles yet.
In terms of ceremonial law, time has stopped with the death of Jesus
Christ, and it will continue its reckoning only after the rapture of the
Church of the firstborn. This proves once again that the commandments of
the Lord’s Supper, water baptism, spiritual gifts, tongues, laying on of
hands, tithing, the Sabbath, preaching of the gospel are not related to
us. The night came “when no man can worke” (John.9:4).
Scripture in numerous prototypes shows us the past, the present and the
future times.
Ҧ And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran.
And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night,
because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and
put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep”
(Gen. 28: 10-11).
When night fell, Jacob made for himself the stones of that place as
pillows and lay down. In verse 11, Scripture shows us the past, present,
and future times.
The past time:
We are shown the death of Jesus Christ. When evening came, one rich man
from Arimathea came, took the body and laid it in his own new tomb, which
he had hewn out in the rock (Mat. 27:57-60). He had stones as pillows in
the tomb in the rock.
The present time:
We are shown night, “because the sunne was set” (Gen. 28:11). At
this time, God the Father has been picking up precious living stones for
2,000 years, from which the foundation of the building will be built.
The future time:
Scripture shows us the special unity of Christ and the Church - a head
lying on the bedhead of many stones. The birth of the “holy Temple” in the
Lord (Eph. 2:21) will occur on the DAY of Pentecost.
At present, Jesus Christ is truly “buried by the rich.” HE is “a good
man, and a iust. (The same had not consented to the counsell and deede of
them) (Luke 23:50,51), “(who also himselfe waited for the kingdome
of God.)” And until the head, even Christ is resurrected,
according to the Law, the Church does not exist.
“And hee is the head of the body, the Church: who is the beginning, the
first borne from the dead, that in all things he might haue the
Therefore, as long as there is no Head, there can be no Body. It is said:
“hee is the head...”, “who is the beginning”, not the body or hand.
The Church will be founded at the time of the meeting of Jesus Christ and
“Cephas” (1 Cor.15:5), as the Scripture says.
Christ will rise up on the eve of the rapture of the Church of the
firstborn, almost together with us, as the Firstborn with His firstborns.
According to the law, we are dead with Him till that time. We, who is
called by Jesus Christ, “haue bene planted together in the likenesse of
his death” (Rom.6:5). This explains the reason for the existence of a
hidden period of time in the books of the New Testament.
Of course, everyone knows that Jesus “rose againe the third day
according to the Scriptures” (1Cor.15:4), but this phrase must also be
understood prophetically. More truly, it is necessary to understand, first
of all, prophetically. Scripture figuratively tells us about three
millennia as about three days. Jesus will be resurrected at the beginning
of the third millennium, it will be “vpon the first day of the weeke,
very earely” (Luke 24:1). Scripture prophetically speaks of the
rapture of the Church of the firstborn:
Ҧ Now when Iesus was risen early, the first day of the weeke, he
appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seuen deuils”
The first witnesses of His resurrection “the third day”, after 2000
years of “sleep” (Gen.2:21), will be “Cephas” and the Church of the
The whole Christian world believes that the sacrificial death of Jesus
Christ, His burial and resurrection in the year 34 give victory over
death. But these are only the beginnings of the way of the Lord. There has
not yet been a war in heaven, so there is a place for the devil and his
angels there (Rev. 12:7,8). It is naive to think that victory can be
obtained without a battle. To think so is to absolutely not understand the
way of the Lord. There is no victory without a battle. Ahead is a long
ministry of the High Priest and Priests in the Tabernacle of heaven. Then
the time will come when the devil will have the dominion and take power
over Christ. Scripture speaks of this time:
“And there was warre in heauen”
When the two tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half of the tribe of
Manasseh received the land beyond the Jordan, it would seem that they got
what they wanted and they had needed no longer fight, but they passed
before their brethren behind the Jordan. The Church of the firstborn, as
“the mightie men of valour”, armed, will also go before their
“brethren” (Deut.3:18). Scripture says to the Church of the firstborn:
“ye shall passe before your brethren armed, all the mightie men of
valour, and helpe them”
The High Priest and Priests will become like a forward detachment that
will be at the very edge of the attack, like warriors who can become in
the breach of the wall that the enemy is destroying. The feat of Jesus
Christ is not yet completed, and therefore the eternal redemption has not
been acquired, the Kingdom of Israel has not been restored, and after all
the Gospel should consist of these events. But it is not. Tribulation and
suffering wait of Jesus Christ ahead. At present, for 2,000 years now, the
Lord God has been preparing true soldiers to help His Son. They will be
bone of his bones, and flesh of his flesh (Gen. 2:23). This is similar to
how a wife was created from Adam’s rib and brought to him.
The Christian world perverts the Word of God by “preaching the Gospel.”
The Gospel the kingdom will be given to Israel. It is Israel, but not the
Gentiles, will accept the Gospel from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself,
whether they are now or former.
“But I certifie you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of
me, is not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the
revelation of Iesus Christ.”
The Gospel that Israel will preach in the future Millennium is the Gospel
of the kingdom. Israel will receive this Gospel through the REVELATION
of Jesus Christ. So, the Gospel in the epistles of Paul (1 Cor. 15) is
essentially the Gospel of the kingdom. It is addressed to the Gentiles in
the Millennium; in the epistles of Paul, the Scriptures prophetically
calls it as “the Gospel of the vncircumcision” (Gal. 2:7).
Scripture in the words of Paul says in the name of Israel:
“Moreouer brethren, I declare vnto you the Gospel which I preached vnto
you, which also you haue receiued, and wherein yee stand”
“For I deliuered vnto you first of all, that which I also receiued, how
that Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures:
And that he was buried, and that he rose againe the third day according
to the Scriptures”
“Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures”,
- this is in the past, and “he was buried” - this, prophetically,
is already our time. So, 2000 years have passed. The events of the
beginning of the “third day” are described in detail below. The
enumeration of those who will see Jesus Christ resurrected begins.
Scripture says that on the eve of the rapture of the Church of the
firstborn, one of His “disciples” will see the risen Christ, and this is a
separate theme.
“And that he was seene of Cephas, then of the twelue”
Here, under the word twelve, the Scriptures prophetically
designates the Church of the firstborn. He will rise up the “third day” to
wave the “first sheaf of harvest.” From this point in time, another 49
years will pass and the list of those who will see Jesus Christ
resurrected goes on:
“And that hee was seene of aboue fiue hundred brethren at once: of whom
the greater part remaine vnto this present, but some are fallen asleepe.
After that, he was seen of Iames, then of all the Apostles”
At the time when Jesus Christ appears to “all the Apostles”, the
barrier between God and man will be destroyed. The “Temple of God”
will be opened in heaven (Rev.11:19), and God, previously hidden and
invisible in “the most Holy place”, will become visible - and “the
Arke of his Testament” will appear in his Temple. This will happen on the
feast of the weeks, which is also “the day of Pentecost.” And Joseph’s
kindred will be made known unto Pharao. (Acts7:12,13).
I want to remind you that the second rapture of the Church will occur on
the eve of the enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Called, & chosen,
and faithful will be witnesses this event. Therefore, the Scripture so
detailed in order lists for us all who saw Him. And last of all he was
seen of Israel also, “as of one borne out of due time” (1Cor.15:8).
This is the time when will be restored the kingdom to Israel.
“And last of all he was seene of me also, as of one borne out of due
The words “he was seen” should be understood as the second coming
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Israel will be the last to see the risen Lord
Jesus Christ, and this will happen here on earth. In this regard, the
Scripture, in the words of Paul, says in the name of Israel: “And last
of all he was seene of me also, as of one borne out of due time.”
Israel, as the people of God, will be born belatedly, as if untimely, when
all the most important events have already taken place, therefore it is
said: “out of due time.” For that time, the Scriptures say that
they “ought to bee teachers” (Heb.5:12).
“And he said vnto them, Goe yee into all the world, and preach the
Gospel to euery creature”
“so we
(Israel) preach, and so ye (the former Gentiles) beleeued”
The preaching of the Gospel of the kingdom will include the entire path of
the Lord, from his death to the point in time “when he shall haue
deliuered vp the kingdome to God euen the Father, when he shall haue put
downe all rule, and all authority and power” (1Cor.15:24). That is,
all events marking the path of Jesus Christ, as they are described in
(1Cor.15), will form the basis of the future Gospel for evangelizing the
Gentiles in the Millennium.
With the resurrection of Jesus Christ, “who hath abolished death, and
hath brought life and immortalitie” (2Tim.1:9,10), the preaching of
the Gospel will begin. It, for the next forty-nine years, is intended for
Christians, them that had been with Him, as they mourned and wept (Mark
16:10), but “there is hope” (Ezra.10:2) for them yet.
“And without controuersie, great is the mysterie of godlinesse: God was
manifest in the flesh, iustified in the Spirit, seene of Angels,
preached vnto the Gentiles, beleeued on in the world, receiued vp into
This Gospel, will be entrusted to “Cephas”, that also is “Timothy”
(1Tim.1:11), you can write a few more names. There are not few the
prophecies about this ministry in Scripture, and this is said:
“This charge I commit vnto thee, sonne Timothie, according to the
prophesies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest warre a
good warfare”
“Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was giuen thee by
prophesie, with the laying on of the hands of the Presbyterie”
“Cephas” is the first to whom the risen Christ will appear, therefore the
Scripture prophetically says that “Cephas” is the first saved.
“This is a faithfull saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ
Iesus came into the world to saue sinners, of whom”
Cephas is “chiefe” (1Tim.1:15).
The Gospel that will be entrusted to Israel, of course, will be different
from the Gospel of the entrusted “Cephas.” Scripture, dividing the Gospel,
prophetically says that one Gospel is “the Gospel of the vncircumcision”
and the other is “the Gospel of the circumcision”. The Gospel of “Peter”
is the Gospel of the circumcision (Gal.2:7), that is, for those that had
been with Him. Circumcision is meant here “Circumcision is, that of the
heart, in the spirit” (Rom.2:29). In addition, Scripture, in the books
of the Old Testament, turning to modern Christians, prophetically calls
them the house of Judah.
Note that the rapture of the Church, what Paul speaks of, will occur at
the end of Millennium.
It has nothing to do with the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. The
situation is very similar to our time, this is because each coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ is divided into His secret coming and the manifest one.
His third and final coming, at the end of the Millennium, is no exception
to this rule. Here is how Scripture speaks in the words of Paul about the
third secret coming of the Lord Jesus Christ:
“For as in Adam all die, euen so in Christ shall all be made aliue.
But euery man in his owne order. Christ the first fruits, afterward
they that are Christs, at his comming.
Then commeth the end, when he shall haue deliuered vp the kingdome to
God euen the Father, when he shall haue put downe all rule, and all
authority and power”
So, “Christ the first fruits, afterward they that are Christs, at his
comming.” And then THE END comes. The Universe will cease to
Thus, by examining all the Epistles of Paul to the seven Churches, we are
convinced that they are all addressed to the Churches in the Millennium,
the epistles to the seven churches in the book of Revelation are too.
The Millennium will be similar to us, already passing, time period of 2000
years. And the seven epistles to the seven Churches in the book of
Revelation (Rev. 2,3) prove this. Two very different time periods are
similar in relation to the history of salvation of the human; they begin
and end equally. History will repeat itself because “there is no new
thing vnder the sunne” (Eccl. 1:9). The seven epistles (Rev. 2,3) are
addressed to the seven churches in the future, but their prophetic
significance reflects the history of people who trust in Christ over the
past 2000 years. Therefore, people who call themselves Christians are very
accurately characterized by the epistles to the Laodicean Church, which
characterizes the Church of the last time of the Millennium.
Our time period is hidden in the Scripture, therefore, in the books of the
New Testament there are no charges, no epistles, no traditions, no
Statutes, no Laws, no Commandments, no Covenants, no service of God, no
rites, no Gospels for those who are faithful to Him. Everything that we
should know about this time is hidden in the prophetic meaning of verses,
in the prophetic arrangement of books of Scripture. In Paul’s epistles to
the seven churches, our time is spoken of only in a prophetic sense, that
is, secretly. Indeed, what can be written to us if “Adam is sleeping” and
“Eve is yet not exist”? This is described in detail in the work: “Baptism
in the death of Jesus Christ.”
The hand on the clock of ceremonial Law will continue its countdown when
“a sheafe of the first fruits” of the harvest is brought to the
Priest, and He will wave it. I can say to count the years to this event,
fingers of one hand are enough.
“Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them, When yee be come
into the land which I giue vnto you, and shal reape the haruest thereof,
then ye shall bring a sheafe of the first fruits of your haruest vnto
the Priest:
And hee shall waue the sheafe before the Lord to be accepted for you: on
the morrow after the Sabbath the Priest shall waue it”
Israel cannot gain favor in the future without waving of a sheaf of the
first fruits of harvest. From waving of a sheaf of the first fruits of
harvest to the feast of Pentecost, 49 days must pass, “seuen Sabbaths
shalbe complete”. Prophetically these are 49 years, called as “the
latter times”. The times are said, as yet, in the plural. This
is the time before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And this
new period of time, unlike the previous one, can be traced in ceremonial
Ҧ And ye shall count vnto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from
the day that ye brought the sheafe of the waue offering; seuen Sabbaths
shalbe complete.
Euen vnto the morrow after the seuenth Sabbath, shall ye number fifty
dayes, and ye shall offer a new meat offering vnto the Lord”
And that means there are books of the New Testament for these “seven
Sabbaths”. These are books that are after the epistles to the seven
Churches: 1,2 Timothy, To Titus, To Philemon, To Hebrews. The account of
“fifty days” is almost reached in the book “To Hebrews”.
So, between the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread there is a
hidden period of time lasting 2,000 years. It exists because Jesus Christ
is “buried” and has not yet risen. And we, called by Jesus Christ, died
together with Him, and still have not been resurrected with Him. This is
reflected in the books of the New Testament; they do not have any appeal
to us. Rather, there is an appeal to us, but we have a different status in
the epistles: the saints and faithful in heavens, “who first trusted in
Christ” (Eph.1:12).
Now it’s clear why in the Christian world there are thousands or tens of
thousands of different denominations. And each of them considers itself
true. Among them there is no unity and cannot be. It is not currently
possible to calculate the full diversity of Christian teachings. But in
fact, all these teachings turned into idle talk, or as the Scripture says:
“fables.” Teachers and preachers not know what time period they live in,
“understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm”
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